Every great event happens because of its volunteers. So we want to thank each and everyone who volunteered their time to make Boogie Bash such a great success!
Made our Buckeyes treats.
- Carla Hall
- Charlene Bartholomew
- Debbie Butler
- Georgia Watson
- Jackie Moore
- Jan Milner
- Janet Koscik
Designed and made our grand new dance floor.
- Berry Shirazi
- Beverly Maselli
- Bill Mackin
- Bob Reed
- Carla Hall
- Darrell Stevenson
- Doug Nofzinger
- Floyd Watson
- Freddy Testa
- Georgia Watson
- Harriet Astraszkiewicz
- Ira Hendricks
- JD Filkins
- Jim Watson
- Ken Butler
- Mohammad Asasi
- Norma Chaney
- Paul Gross
- Richard Hahn
- Ron Santilli
- Steve Mark
Designed and created the great decorations.
- JD Filkins
- Meta Hahn
- Richard Hahn
Designed and built the DJ booth and prepared the equipment used.
Provided music for and during the lessons and on our second dance floor.
- Freddy Testa
- JD Filkins
- Jim Watson
- Ken Butler
- Tom Hufnagel
Provided hospitality and assistance to Boogie Bash guests.
Printed, cut, and assembled the name badges.
Took pictures and video of the people working and attending Boogie Bash.
- Bill Hall
- Debbie Butler
- Georgia Watson
- Jim Watson
- Robin Chaney
Prepared for and registered Mid-Ohio Boogie Bash guests.
- Berry Shirazi
- Carolyn Hughes
- Dave Thomas
- Debbie Fox
- Harriet Astraszkiewicz
- Jan Milner
- Janet Koscik
- Jim Gieseke
- Judy Walker
- Linda Knott
- Linda Mills
- Marty Cooper
- Sally Yerina
- Valerie Selig
- Velma Matuszewski
- Walter Hay
Lots of effort and patience!
- Andrea Duch
- Berry Shirazi
- Beverly Maselli
- Bill Hall
- Bill Mackin
- Bob Reed
- Carla Hall
- Curt Coe
- Dave Thomas
- Debbie Butler
- Doug Nofzinger
- Floyd Watson
- Freddy Testa
- Ira Hedrick
- Jackie Moore
- James Brown
- Janet Koscik
- JD Filkins
- JD Schultz
- Jeff Sherman
- Jim Watson
- Justin Sherman
- Victoria Bidingger
- Ken Butler
- Marty Cooper
- Meta Hahn
- Norma Chaney
- Paul Gross
- Richard Hahn
- Robin Chaney
- Ron Santilli
- Sonny Lawwell
- Steve Mark
- Tom Pope
- Valerie Selig
- Walter Hay
Created, organized, and presented the Friday and Saturday evening skits at the Boogie Bash.
- Debbie Butler
- Doug Miller
- Gary Hurst
- Georgia Watson
- Gretchen Kincaid
- Jim Watson
- Ken Butler
- Mary Beth Hurst
- Patty Coons (recorded the revised
Dancin in the Streets song)
- Sallie Debolt
- Terry Kincaid
- Tom Pope
- Valerie Selig
Helped in the sale of the 50-50 raffle tickets.
- Andrea Duch
- Bill Mackin
- Bob Gieseke
- Christine Barnhart
- Dave Thomas
- Debbie Fox
- Doug Miller
- Doug Nofzinger
- Jackie Moore
- Jan Milner
- Janet Prinz
- Judy Walker
- Kay Fortney
- Linda Mills
- Ron Santilli
- Sallie DeBolt
Designed and made a large Welcome banner