You missed it!!

What A Great Weekend it was at Boogie Bash 2008
Summer was here
and the time was right
for Dancin’ in the Streets!
Mid-Ohio Boogie Bash event presented:
- The Flashback Band on Thursday Evening
- 16 Outstanding Dance Workshops
- Appetizers and Champagne punch Friday evening
- A Buffet Dinner on Saturday evening
- A full farewell Breakfast on Sunday
- Wonderful Vendors
- Two great Dance Floors
- Plenty of Open Dancing
- Great Hospitality
- Free Pours
- Great Dance Exhibitions
There was a chance for folks to meet
Laughin’ Singin’ Swingin’ and Swayin’
Thank-you for celebrating with us …
and dancin’ to the music
Ask around, you discover that this was great dance weekend!
The Mid-Ohio Boogie Bash Was Fantastic!
Compliments received from Michigan, New York, Indianapolis, The Cleveland/Akron Area, Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo, Pittsburgh, West Virginia and, of course, from the members of the Mid-Oho Boogie Club were Overwhelming!
Thank-you! We’re very glad you enjoyed yourselves.
To our club members...
Once again we received many unsolicited “Thank You” from the members of our club as well as from our out of town guests. They all had one theme “they felt we had the friendliest event they had ever attended.” I know our members are friendly, but it sure was nice to hear it from our out of town guests. Everyone really enjoyed themselves because the members of MBC went out of their way to make everyone feel welcome! Thank you for being a club that cares!