It takes a lot of volunteers to make our event happen and I'd like to thank all the following members who helped before, during and after the event!
They are the reason we had so many people tell us what a good time they had.
Helped in the sale of the 50-50 raffle tickets.
Prepared for and registered Mid-Ohio Boogie Bash guests.
Making our Buckeyes treats were:
Decorations Volunteers
Provided transportation for our instructors and guests.
Printed, cut, and assembled the name badges.
Took pictures and video of the people working and attending Boogie Bash.
Dancing West Coast Swing, Hustle, East Coast Swing, and Carolina Shag
Helpers included:
I would like to thank Maru Hutchins for dancing the demo with Mario Robau and Vonnie Kriebel for making a donation to the Hospitality Suite.
Once again we received many unsolicited “Thank You” from the members of our club as well as from our out of town guests. They all had one theme “they felt we had the friendliest event they had ever attended.” I know our members are friendly, but it sure was nice to hear it from our out of town guests. Everyone really enjoyed themselves because the members of MBC went out of their way to make everyone feel welcome! Thank you for being a club that cares!